Getting dressed up and costumed for Hallowe'en was not originally in the plan. It took some convincing on Mary's and my part to get Paul and David and the folks at Rebecca's assisted living place into the Hallowe'en spirit. It's been awhile since we donned costumes and tried to scare anybody. Once we decided and got everyone on board, however, the costume train left the station.
Mary had decided on her costume early and hit all the key shops while the selection was at its best. She took Paul shopping one day and they came home with a costume for him, as well as Hallowe'en decorations for the front yard and inside the house, too. Mary also did some shopping for Rebecca and Rebecca's friends, Darrell and “Aunt Mary”, so everyone had a costume on Hallowe'en day. David and I kind of dragged our feet deciding on our costumes, but once we did we hit all the local thrift stores and managed our costumes and all accessories for under $15 for the both of us. Parsimonious are us!

Paul, the hardest to convince about the whole dress-up thing, ended up being the most excited and it was contagious. He started early on Hallowe'en morning with his make-up and the results were appropriately frightening.

Rebecca decided to be a “flapper”, very much in keeping with her age. Mary applied her make-up and we helped her with her costume. Rebecca acted the part without difficulty. She was stunning! Darell won the best costume prize however, with his Charlie Chaplin costume and imitation. It turned out, he'd been practicing the Chaplin walk and the cane twirling all week.

The family portrait looked a bit different than usual.

Though a fine time was had by all at Rebecca's place, we drove home feeling like we should be enjoying our costumes more. Mary and Paul shouted “Boo!” out the car window a few times, but most folks ignored them … after all, this is Las Vegas. We don't know our new neighbors or anyone else in Las Vegas well enough to have a party at the house. We settled on trying to scare trick-or-treaters at the door (very unsuccessfully, I might add) and watching The Legend of Sleepy Hollow on the tube. We were in bed by 10pm. Sigh!
Early the morning after, we collected all the Hallowe'en paraphernalia from the yard and gathered up all the costumes and accessories and packed them away till next year. We've got to get better at this celebrating thing. Maybe next year.