After 18 years aboard Nine of Cups sailing around the world, it was time for a change. We wanted to continue with our vagabond lifestyle … just not on a sailboat. Land travel appealed to us. Some folks prefer big rigs, but we've always preferred a simpler lifestyle that allows us more flexibility for travel. We purchased Blue, a 2015 Ford Transit 250 cargo van, in July 2017 and intend to upfit him to meet our personal needs and then travel North America ... and maybe beyond. Come along with us for the adventure.
A good friend, George Swallow, created this slightly modified Van Gogh painting.
We’ve accumulated a lot of information on the "upfit" adventure as we prepared ourselves and Blue for a nomadic life on land after nearly two decades at sea.
We’ve also whisked Blue away on a few trips while we we’ve been doing the conversion.
Finally, we’ve put together a number of blogs related to living in a small van and the camping lifestyle. Hopefully, you’ll find some of them informative, some interesting and some humorous.
Scroll down the page or just click on any of the thumbnails below to read more.
Upfitting Blue
Just click on a thumbnail below to read the associated blog post.