Heading Home to Nine of Cups
Our last day in Vegas was hectic … go figure. We've been here since January and had plenty of time to get things done, but still some things got put off till the very last minute and we struggled to cram it all in before heading to the airport. David had some parts that he'd forgotten to order and we scrambled to locate them. We wanted to say goodbye to David's mum and a friend of hers (and ours) decided to give us a flat screen TV that we needed to pick up. A cruising friend's laptop died and they asked us to pick up a new one for them and bring it back with us to Trinidad. Then packing, last minute laundry, chores … and then we were at the airport hugging Mary and Karen goodbye.
We're budget-minded, as you know, so we booked a red eye to save a significant amount of bucks, but it takes a toll on these old bodies. Our previous experience flying to Boston from Trinidad with Jet Blue wasn't the greatest, but they're cheap (in more ways than one). Unlike the last nightmare flight on Jet Blue, however, this flight was on time, the crew was friendly and they even offered snacks and drinks en route. Heck, we even got hot towels to wash our faces before landing.
We arrived in Fort Lauderdale at 0500 EDT … 2am Vegas time. It was dark, much colder than Vegas (only 55F) and we were a bit stove-up and tired from the 4.5 hour trip. We had a 5-hour layover to look forward to and we were hoping to find something in the way of breakfast. Egg and turkey sausage patty breakfast sandwiches and weak coffee were the best we could find and reluctantly spent $15 on mediocre food to satisfy our hungers.
As I write, the final leg of our Jet Blue flight to Port of Spain, Trinidad is scheduled on time. We're sitting at the gate, charging all of our electronics and trying to stay awake. That darned sausage patty is doing a good job though … we're definitely not sleeping with that in our systems.