Blue View - Our New eBook
/We now have forty YouTube videos!. I had no idea we had that many until just now when I counted them.
A few of our recent YouTube videos
There are some fun ones, some destination videos and several how-tos. Some are quite short, 10-20 seconds, while most are in the 5-10 minute range. Some have tens of views, many have a one or two thousand views and a few have tens of thousands of views. One, however, has more than all the rest combined - 574,201 views as of the last count.
What, you might ask, was the subject of such a popular video? It was the YouTube entitled “How to Make A Nautical Rug”. Who would have guessed? In case you aren’t familiar with it and can’t figure it out from the title, this video shows the steps in making a nautical rug, more traditionally known as an ocean plait mat. This is that really cool mat shown below.
A Nautical Rug, aka an Ocean Plait Mat
Most of the reviews of this video have been positive and we’ve had lots of good comments. A request that has been made more than once, however, was a printable pattern for the rug. We took this request a step further and put together a short ebook that shows all the steps in making a nautical rug in detail, along with a full size pattern that can be printed. We’re hoping it will make a good companion to the video.
At any rate, if you are interested in watching the video, you can view it here. And if you’d like to take a look at our new ebook, click on the Publications tab above. It’s never too soon to start on next year’s Christmas gifts.