Home For the Holidays
/Back home in Las Vegas
We’re finally back in Las Vegas after having been on the road for the past couple of months. We’ve seen lots, done lots and celebrated lots, but there’s always something about driving into your own driveway, unloading all the luggage and dirty laundry and laying down on your own bed. Though Blue is comfortable and though we love travel and road trips, it’s always good to get back home.
We’ve got lots of celebrating to do with the sibs in the next couple of weeks. There’s Thanksgiving, of course, which we’ll spend together with Mary and Paul. Then there’s a tree decorating celebration and a special sib Christmas celebration for opening stockings and gifts and … drinking champagne and wine and sharing a special dinner.
We’ll hang the stockings by the chimney (or the gas fireplace) with care.
During the next couple of weeks, we’ll catch up on overdue dental appointments and house chores and yard work. The website needs some updating and there’s holiday shopping to do and maybe some work on Blue. There’s never a dearth of activities to keep us occupied, not to mention, there are several new movies that we’d love to see… ‘Midway’ and ‘Harriet’ and ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’. We just saw ‘A Good Liar’, by the way, and enjoyed it. Watching a movie in a theater is so much better than watching one at home… at least I stay awake… plus that gigantic tub of popcorn always serves as dinner.
They say that ‘home is where the heart is’ and being with Lin for Christmas is always a must for me. We leave in mid-December to fly to Boston to celebrate the rest of the holidays with Lin and family. There’s nary a minute left in our New England itinerary that isn’t ‘booked up’ with some activity or other. We may not stay warm, but we’ll stay busy.
There’s never a dull moment when Lin & I get together.
With all the celebrating, we plan to take a break in regular blogging. David will publish one more video on flying his drone and be sure to look for our holiday newsletter in the next couple of weeks. Then we’re on sabbatical till 2020.
Have a great holiday season and we’ll see you on the other side. Great travel plans ahead for 2020, so be sure to stay tuned.