Old and New Friends and a Great Honor

After leaving Nicole and John, we headed to Melbourne, Florida to catch up with old friends, Laura and Andy, formerly of Windswept II. We met them first in Trinidad in 2002 and really enjoyed their company. We haven't seen them since, but have always kept in touch as cruisers do. We had so much to chat about, I neglected to take any photos, but managed to dig up an old photo from 2002. My, but we looked young...er. circa 2002


We headed to the Melbourne Gam the next day. To say we were verklempt would be an understatement. We still had not finished our presentations and we were feeling a bit under the gun. David was giving a seminar on anchors and anchoring techniques, I was participating in the Women's Forum. The both of us had been asked to give the keynote address on Saturday evening and this was primarily my job to complete. There was a lot to do and we weren't prepared. It's not that we hadn't tried. I'd started the keynote presentation over a month before, but each time I thought I'd finished, we agreed it was too long, boring and lame. We needed a different approach and hadn't found it yet.

We worked in our hotel room pretty much non-stop for two days, taking time out to register for the gam and have drinks and dinner with friends one evening. David created animated maps for the keynote presentation, then set about finishing up his anchoring presentation The two big challenges for the keynote address? 1) Condensing 16 years of “off the beaten track” adventures into about an hour and 2) keeping an after-cocktail & dinner group of cruisers awake from 8:30pm to 9:45 pm ... knowing that cruiser midnight occurs somewhere around 9pm. Finally, we came up with an approach we hoped would keep the crowd engaged and worked hard to complete it, tweak it and rehearse it. Whew!

We showed up in the afternoon for David's presentation which unfortunately ran concurrent with the Women's Forum. When I heard the applause from the room next door, I knew David's presentation had been a success. The forum was somewhat disjointed, but it was fun meeting so many new women sailors and getting reacquainted with so many old friends.

We headed into the general meeting where the “state of the union” address was delivered and subsequently awards were presented. We were pleased to be recognized for having completed our circumnavigation.

circumnavigation award

More importantly, however, was being presented with the Seven Seas Award, SSCA's most prestigious award. Knowing the venerable cruisers who have received this award in the past, we were honored, humbled and thrilled. Being recognized by the SSCA for doing something we have loved was beyond wonderful.

seven seas award

Though a bit nervous before our evening presentation, we were comfortable once we got started. A friend checked for rotten tomatoes at the door and we didn't notice anyone falling asleep, so it was a wonderful experience, but we sighed in relief when it was over. Old friends and new friends took the time to come up and wish us well. It warmed our hearts and made us feel proud to be part of such awesome camaraderie.

david and marcie

Exhilarated and exhausted, we bade adieu to sailing friends and headed to St. Petersburg on Florida's west coast to visit our oldest son and wife and see their new home. We haven't been to St. Pete in ages and we're looking forward to a little exploring.

Why join a cruising club ... like SSCA?

We're in Florida at the moment preparing our presentations for the annual Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA) gam in Melbourne (Florida, not Australia). We've been members since we bought Nine of Cups in 2000 and over the years we've enjoyed progressing from “newbies” to circumnavigators. Our “just a little further” philosophy has served us well and it's fun to share adventures and experiences with other like-minded folks. We thought it was an appropriate time, once again, to shout the praises of joining a cruising club, like SSCA. Here are our thoughts ...

We’re not usually “club” people. We’re not exactly anti-social. We like to join in once in awhile, but we’re not inveterate “joiners”, if you know what I mean. That said, when we first started living aboard, we joined SSCA … Seven Seas Cruising Association. Quite honestly, we didn’t know such organizations existed until we started chatting with other liveaboards and cruisers and they suggested we check it out. We did, we joined and 12 years later, we’re still active members. Why join a cruising club? Here are the reasons we joined.


1.  Learn from people with more and/or different experience.

Just starting out, there was so much to learn and we were keen to learn everything we could about sailing and “the life”. But we’ve found that no matter how experienced you are, there’s always someone with either more or different experiences. Sometimes gleaning just one little tidbit of useful information is priceless.

learning from experience

2. Share lifestyle notes with folks currently doing what we are doing.

Not everyone embraces this type of alternative lifestyle. It’s interesting to meet other like-minded folks and trade information … and tall tales. “How do you manage your night watches?” “How big was that wave?”

3. Receive ongoing boating/sailing educational opportunities.

A good cruising association will provide opportunities to learn new skills, as well as enhance and hone your current skills whether it be docking, sail trim or engine maintenance. With advances in the internet, many of these learning opportunities are no farther away than your computer. Check out Seven Seas U.

4. Promotes camaraderie.

Again, we’re not party people, but seeing a familiar burgee flying in the anchorage when you first arrive is always a welcome sight. We usually raise our SSCA burgee as soon as we’re settled. Invariably, if there are members around, they’ll stop by to say hi and offer local information. We, of course, reciprocate when we can.

new port

5. Facilitates contacts in new ports.

It’s great to be able to contact people in foreign ports in advance of arrival to find out what services and amenities might be available. If your cruising club is large enough, they’ll have several contacts worldwide that can help you out when you arrive. SSCA has about 150+ Cruising Station Hosts in the USA and abroad and we’ve been in contact with a good many of them.

6. Offers discounts for services, equipment, marinas, etc.

We try to take advantage of every discount opportunity we possibly can. Each shekel saved is a penny for the cruising kitty. Most large organizations can negotiate discounts for their members. We especially like marina discounts, stuff like Sailblogs discounts (25%) and free magazine downloads.

7. Receive unbiased feedback on gear and equipment from other cruisers.

Whenever we’re making a major buying decision for new equipment or gear, David does an inordinate amount of research first. One place he checks is SSCA’s Equipment Survey to see what other cruisers think about we’re thinking of buying. Nothing like getting the skinny from another sailor who’s actually using the stuff.

8. Access to port and destination information.

Commercial cruising guides are great and we use them all the time, but again, there’s nothing like having access to a fellow cruiser who’s been to a port to which you’re heading, especially if he’s documented all the services and amenities he used while there. Using SSCA’s searchable index by geographic location allows us to see what’s been written about a topic or location for the past decade. Quite honestly, it’s a key ingredient to researching where we might go next.


Keep in mind, you tend to get out of something, what you put into it. We’ve remained active with SSCA because we enjoy sharing information as well as getting information. We joined a second, somewhat more exclusive cruising club along the way, but the membership dues were way out of line with our budget. We found that though their quarterly magazines were in beautiful color and on glossy stock, we rarely got to see them because they weren’t digital and we certainly had no intention of paying extra postage to have them mailed to us wherever we were. Before you join, figure out why you’re joining and what you’re hoping to get out of your membership and make sure the cruising organization you choose meets all of your criteria. Also consider what you might contribute to others who follow in your wake.